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ImmerseSDK Namespace

The top level namespace with all the core components in
Public classApp
This is a core component of Immerse SDK. An instance of this must be included in the scene at build index #0. This component will not be destroyed on scene load and will persist throughout the application, any additional instances will be automatically destroyed. The Inspector for the App component shows connection information and can be used to enable Offline Mode for quicker testing.
Public classAvatarColor
Represents the main and accent color values used to colorise the default avatar render that ships with the Immerse SDK.
Public classAvatarRecordingSynchroniser
A synchroniser to send avatar recordings to remote users
Public classAvatarRecordingSynchroniserState
Payload data
Public classCanvasTween
A component for animating the alpha of a CanvasGroup, useful for UI fading
Public classControllerHelpers
Helper methods for rotation calculations
Public classDefaultAvatarHandRenderer
An implementation of the SDK's abstract AvatarRendererHand class that defines the hand of the default avatar that ships with the Immerse SDK. This implementation uses a single skinned mesh and animator to display all of the hand's different poses.
Public classDefaultAvatarHeadRenderer
An implementation of the SDK's abstract AvatarRendererHead class that defines the head of the default avatar that ships with the Immerse SDK.
Public classDefaultAvatarRenderer
An implementation of the SDK's abstract AvatarRenderer class that defines the default avatar that ships with the Immerse SDK. This implementation uses the same model for all avatars, but it differentiates them with colors selected from a list using an index based on the avatar's Visual Id.
Public classDisplayDecimalPlacesAttribute
Set the number of decimal places this float/double should display
Public classDontDestroyOnLoad
Makes the object target not be destroyed automatically when loading a new scene.
Public classEngageableObjectHapticOverride
Added to Gameobject with engageable Object on to override global setting for haptic feedback
Public classEnumUtils
A collection of enum utility methods
Public classFileHelpers
File helpers for copying, deleting, etc
Private classGUIDMap
Indices for message parts
Public classIndexT1, T2
A wrapped Dictionary, with a string key, for managing items so that they can be easily recovered when needed
Public classLayers
A static class to encapsulates the ImmerseSDK layers in Unity
Public classLoadSceneAdditively
Loads a scene additively. You have to make sure you have this scene in your build settings when you build the packages.
Public classLog
Global Log class for writing output to the local log file (VR) or the console (WebGL)
Public classLogger
Public classLoggingBehaviour
Base class for components that exposes a way to enable verbose logging on individual instances at runtime
Public classMaterialHelper
Helper methods for performing tasks on Materials
Public classMath
Some math helper methods
Public classNativeMethods
Native Methods that is platform specific
Public classNativeMethodsAssign
Public classNestedSnappingGuide
Public classObjectIndex
Public classOutline
Outline for objects
Public classPermanentSnappingGuide
Draws a snapping guide of an object. Note that this snapping guide does not update dynamically, so the hierarchy is assumed to stay constant.
Public classProjectHelper
Helper class for project setup tasks
Public classReadOnlyAttribute
Public classReadOnlyWhenPlayingAttribute
Public classRecordingImporter
importer for recording files loads the binary data in and converts it to scriptable object
Public classRectUtils
Utility class that provides methods for testing if a point is within a rectangle within 3D space.
Public classRuntimeObjectIndex
An common object index that can be used for adding indexed items at runtime
Public classScene
Handles indexing of IndexedMonoBehaviours, avatar spawning and scene settings. A Scene component is required for each scene in a ImmerseSDK project.
Public classSceneObjectIndex
Indexes objects within a scene so they can be reliably referred to in a networked environment
Public classSceneRegistry
Has reference to all currently active ImmerseSDK Scene objects
Public classSceneService
Global service for scene management
Public classScriptOrderAttribute
Public classSdkVersion
Version information of the currently installed Immerse SDK
Public classSeparateSnappingGuide
Draws an Snapping Guide of an object
Public classShaderParameters
Public classSingletonT Obsolete.
Public classSingletonBehaviour
Unity-friendly Singleton class. Use this class together with SingletonManager.
Public classSingletonException Obsolete.
Public classSingletonManager
Static class to manage Unity-friendly Singletons which should be derived from SingletonBehaviour.
Public classSmoothQuaternion
Public classSmoothValueT
Public classSmoothVector2
Public classSmoothVector3
Public classSmoothVector4
Public classSnappingGuide
Base class for Snapping Guide that show a ghost image of an object
Public classSpawn
Spawn point for avatars
Public classSpectatorCamera
Spectator Camera
Public classSpectatorCameraRender
Spectator Camera render capture
Public classSyncPropertiesHelper
Public classTags
A static class to encapsulates the ImmerseSDK tags in Unity
Public classTeleportSnappingGuide
Draws an Snapping Guide of an object
Public classUnityXRStartupCheck
Public classUnityXRUpgradeChain
Public classUserAvatarRecording
Public classVelocityCalculator
Calculates velocity and angular velocity based on movement of the controller
Public classVRPlatformInfo
A helper class for getting information about the VR hardware that is currently attached
Public classWaitForTrue
Public classWaitForUnscaledSeconds Obsolete.
A yield instruction that uses unscaled time
Public classWaitingFor
Helper class for waiting singletons
Public classWeb
Common web tools
Public structureControllerHelpersControllerOrientation
Orientation of the controller (pitch, yaw and roll)
Public structureGUID
Encapsulates a unique identifier for networked messages
Public interfaceILoggingBehaviour
Implemented on components that exposes a way to enable verbose logging on individual instances at runtime
Public interfaceIProjectStartupCheck
Implement this interface to provide an upgrade chain extension of your own
Public interfaceIRestartable
Interface for restartable singletons/global services
Public interfaceISupportDelayedStartup
Indexed components that implement this can set a ready state after they completed setup. Only when all these components in the scene has set this ready state, will we start processing persisted state messages.
Public interfaceIUpgradableComponent
Upgradable components implement this interface
Public enumerationAxes
Axes enumeration
Public enumerationControllerHelpersControllerPitch
Pitch of the controller (right vector, X-axis)
Public enumerationControllerHelpersControllerRoll
Roll of the controller (forward vector, Z-axis)
Public enumerationControllerHelpersControllerYaw
Yaw of the controller (up vector, Y-axis)
Public enumerationGUIDOwnerType
Type identifier for the owner of an object in our networked system
Public enumerationLogSeverity
Levels of logging supported
Public enumerationVRHardwareType
VR Hardware supported by the SDK
Public enumerationVRHardwareUnityPlugin
Type of VR Hardware Unity plugin to use. This is used to determine which prefabs to create at runtime for the avatar and controllers.