Click or drag to resize

App Class

This is a core component of Immerse SDK. An instance of this must be included in the scene at build index #0. This component will not be destroyed on scene load and will persist throughout the application, any additional instances will be automatically destroyed. The Inspector for the App component shows connection information and can be used to enable Offline Mode for quicker testing.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  ImmerseSDK
Assembly:  ImmerseSDK.App (in ImmerseSDK.App.dll) Version: (

The App type exposes the following members.

Public methodApp
Initializes a new instance of the App class
Public propertyStatic memberAllowVerboseLoggingInBuilds
Returns true if the current client is a VR client
Public propertyStatic memberApplicationQuitting
True if the we received the OnApplicationQuit event form Unity
Public propertyStatic memberAudio
Returns the active AudioService, used for playing UI sounds and controlling volume levels
Public propertyStatic memberAvatars
Returns the current Avatar service. This is used to find avatars in the scene
Public propertyStatic memberCameraService
Returns the active CameraService, used in the WebGL client for controlling camera
Public propertyCheckIndexesOnGameStart
Enable/Disable Checking Indexes when on play in the editor
Public propertyCheckIndexesOnLevelLoad
Enable/Disable Checking Indexes when level is loaded in the editor. Note will only be check if checkIndexesOnGameStart is enabled.
Public propertyHandGuiType
The type of handui that has been configured in this app
Public propertyStatic memberIsEditor
Returns true if the application is running in the editor. This does not need to be called from the main thread
Public propertyStatic memberIsVrClient
Returns true if the current client is a VR client
Public propertyStatic memberMessageDisplayService
Returns the message display service, for showing messages to users
Public propertyStatic memberPostProcessing
Returns the PostProcessingService, used for post processing effects
Public propertyStatic memberScene
Returns the SceneService, used for changing scenes
Public propertyStatic memberSession
Returns the current session, this provides access to session level services
Public propertyShouldHighlightEngageObject
Enable/Disable object highlighting
Public propertyStatic memberUiInputModule
Returns the UnityUiInputModule
Public methodCoroutineInitialise
This method is used by our internal systems so do not call it directly.
(Overrides SingletonBehaviourCoroutineInitialise.)
Protected methodDisconnectGhost
Disconnect anyGhost instances we might have used
Protected methodOnApplicationFocus
Unity component message
Protected methodOnApplicationPause
Unity component message
Protected methodOnApplicationQuit
Unity component message
Protected methodOnAwake
Override this method to call code in the Awake() method (after singleton registration, but before coroutine)
(Overrides SingletonBehaviourOnAwake.)
Protected methodOnDestroy
Unity component message
(Overrides SingletonBehaviourOnDestroy.)
Protected methodReset
Unity component message
Public methodSetupDefaultHandmenu
Setup default handmenu (when avatar was recreated)
Public methodShowContollerInstructionDialog Obsolete.
Displays the instructions for how to use the controllers
Public methodShowControllerInstructionDialog
Displays the instructions for how to use the controllers
Public methodStatic memberWaitForSdkReadyCoroutine
Common coroutine to wait for SDK ready. This is safe to use immediately on Awake(), or after a restart/load
Private field_allowVerboseLoggingInBuilds
Add open log shortcut to standalone player
Private field_checkIndexesOnGameStart
Enable/Disable Checking Indexes when on play in the editor
Private field_checkIndexesOnLevelLoad
Enable/Disable Checking Indexes when level is loaded in the editor.
Private field_logLevel
Set the logging level of the application
Private field_logShortcut
Add open log shortcut to standalone player
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultSettingsHandUiPageId
Id for the Default HandGui settings page. You can use this Id to find the page.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetCopyOf
Copies all properties of a component from source to target. Uses reflection to set properties.
(Defined by ComponentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodWaitForT
Waits for a singleton on a coroutine
(Defined by SingletonManager.)
See Also