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AvatarRendererHand Class

Provides references to the components that represent an avatar's hand at runtime. You must attach an implementation of this class to the root game object of your custom avatar hand, so that the SDK can correctly identify it's parts.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  ImmerseSDK.Avatars
Assembly:  ImmerseSDK.App (in ImmerseSDK.App.dll) Version: (
public abstract class AvatarRendererHand : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour

The AvatarRendererHand type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAvatarRendererHand
Initializes a new instance of the AvatarRendererHand class
Protected methodHandleGripChanged
Sets the hand's grip amount.
Protected methodHandlePoseChanged
Displays the given pose on the hand.
Public methodHide
Hides the avatar's hand. This is usually called when a tool or hardware controller model is shown.
Public methodShow
Shows the avatar's hand.
Public methodValidate
Validates the prefab to ensure it has been setup correctly.
Protected methodValidateReference
Validates that a component reference is not null
Public fieldAttachPoint
A transform that defines the position that engageable objects will be attached to when engaged by this hand.
Public fieldFingerCollider
A small collider used to detect collisions with the avatar's index finger when the hand is pointing.
Public fieldHandCollider
A capsule collider used to detect general collisions with the avatar's whole hand.
Public fieldMainRenderer
The main renderer used to display this part of the avatar
Public fieldMenuCheckOrigin
A transform that defines the origin position of the raycast that determines whether the hand should be in a menu pointing state or not. The world position of this transform should closely match the position of the MenuPointerOrigin when the hand is in the pointing state. Note that the raycast will follow the forward direction of the given transform.
Public fieldMenuPointerOrigin
A transform that defines the origin position of the menu pointer laser beam. In the SDK's default avatar, this point is located at the end of the index finger. Note that the laser beam will follow the forward direction of the given transform.
Public fieldPalmMenuAttachPoint
A transform that defines the position that the palm menu should appear in.
Public fieldWatchAttachPoint
A transform that defines the position where the watch will be attached to this hand. If you would like to display a strap for the watch, then place the strap inside this transform. You can check the alignment by temporarily placing the Watch prefab inside this transform in the Unity editor. The Watch prefab is located in your Unity project at: ImmerseSDK/Assets/Resources/ImmerseSDK/Prefabs/Avatar/Tools.
Public fieldWatchMenuAttachPoint
A transform that defines the position that the watch menu should appear in.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetCopyOf
Copies all properties of a component from source to target. Uses reflection to set properties.
(Defined by ComponentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodWaitForT
Waits for a singleton on a coroutine
(Defined by SingletonManager.)
See Also