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TransformSync Methods

The TransformSync type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAwake
Unity component method
Public methodCanUnsnap
Returns true if this object can take authority (set its state to NotSnappedState), otherwise false
Protected methodChangeUpdateState
Changes the update state
Public methodCheckRequirement
Compare state to the expected value
(Overrides IndexedMonoBehaviourWithStateCheckRequirement(InteractionRequirementComparisonType, Int32).)
Public methodCollectCombineAndEnableTopMostColliders
Protected methodEnableCombineColliders
Enables the combined colliders for this rigidbody
Public methodEnableTopMostCombineColliders
Enable/Disable TopMost Combined Colliders
Protected methodFixedUpdate
Unity component method
Public methodGetColliderBoundsInWorldSpace
Calculated bounds of the object (colliders are temporarily enabled otherwise it doesn't work)
Protected methodGetTopMostComponent
Gets the topmost TransformSync in this objects's hierarchy
Public methodHasCollisions
True if there currently are collisions with other pickups/colliders not belonging to this hierarchy
Protected methodInitializeSyncData
Initialises the SyncData for this TransformSync. SyncData is based on the _syncType setting.
Public methodIsTopMostCollidersEnabled
Returns true if the top-most transform has colliders enabled
Protected methodOnAfterReceivePersistedStateMessage
Override this method if your class needs to execute code after receiving the persisted state for this TransformSync
Protected methodOnCollisionEnter
Unity component method
Protected methodOnCollisionExit
Unity component method
Protected methodOnDisable
Unity component method
Protected methodOnEnable
Unity component method
Public methodOnLinkedCollisionEnter
Called by linked collisions
Public methodOnLinkedCollisionExit
Called by linked collisions
Public methodRegisterNewSnapTarget
Registers a new snap target in our list of targets
Public methodReInitialise
ReInitialise TransformSync with current properties
Public methodReInitialise(SyncProperties, Boolean, Single, SnappingRotationAxis)
ReInitialise TransformSync with specified properties
Protected methodReleaseCombinedCollider
Disables one combined collider
Protected methodReleaseCombinedColliders
Disables the combined colliders for this rigidbody
Public methodResetKinematic
Reset kinematic state back to it's default
Public methodResetTransformSync
Deletes the persisted state associated with this TransformSync
Protected methodSetOwner
Sets the owner of this TransformSync. Triggers the OnAuthorityChanged event
Public methodSetPersistedState
Manually update the persisted state for this object (which includes state, position and orientation depending on what values are synchronised).
Public methodSetRelativePosition
Set the position of the object relative ot it's starting values
Protected methodSetState
Sets the state of this TransformSync. Note that this is not persisted unless you called SetPersistedState after.
(Overrides IndexedMonoBehaviourWithStateSetState(Byte, Boolean).)
Protected methodSetStateNonPersisted
Sets the state of this TransformSync and ensures it's not persisted.
Public methodSetToComplete
Complete synchronization (update) state. If the current user is also the owner, this transform will set it's persisted state as well.
Public methodSnapTo(Byte, Boolean)
Snap to snap target index. Actual position/rotation updates will happen when message is received
Public methodSnapTo(SnapTarget, Boolean)
Snap to SnapTarget. Actual position/rotation updates will happen when message is received
Public methodSnapToOrigin
Snap to origin if it is a valid target. Actual position/rotation updates will happen when message is received
Public methodSnapToUnassigned
Set state to Unassigned, which means not snapped but also not sending
Protected methodStart
Unity component method
Public methodTakeAuthority
Takes authority for the local user
Public methodUnsnap
Unsnaps the object
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetCopyOf
Copies all properties of a component from source to target. Uses reflection to set properties.
(Defined by ComponentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetSnapTarget
Gets the current snap target using the TransformSync's state
(Defined by TransformSyncExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIsLocalAuthority
Checks if the current user is the owner of the TransformSync
(Defined by TransformSyncExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodIsSnapped
Checks if the TransformSync is in a snapped state or not
(Defined by TransformSyncExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodWaitForT
Waits for a singleton on a coroutine
(Defined by SingletonManager.)
See Also