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MessageID Methods

The MessageID type exposes the following members.

Public methodAsDescription
Prints out a verbose string with details of the id
Public methodAsHex
Get the MessageID as a Hexadecimal string
Public methodAsUlong
Get the messageID as a ULong
Public methodAsUserID
Returns the UserID part of this message id
Public methodCompareTo(Object)
Compares two MessageID objects by comparing the byte representation of the message id
Public methodCompareTo(MessageID)
Compares two MessageID objects by comparing the byte representation of the message id
Public methodEquals(Object)
Compares two MessageID objects by comparing their byte representations
(Overrides ValueTypeEquals(Object).)
Public methodEquals(MessageID)
Checks equality by comparing the byte representation of the message id
Public methodGetBytes
Public methodGetHashCode
HashCode of this message id
(Overrides ValueTypeGetHashCode.)
Public methodToString
String representation of the ulong value of this message id
(Overrides ValueTypeToString.)
See Also