Click or drag to resize

Tooltip Class

Encapsulates most of the tooltip functionality
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  ImmerseSDK.UI
Assembly:  ImmerseSDK.App (in ImmerseSDK.App.dll) Version: (
public class Tooltip : TooltipBase

The Tooltip type exposes the following members.

Public methodTooltip
Initializes a new instance of the Tooltip class
Public propertyArrowRectTransform
Transform of the Arrow object so we can move the canvas slightly when we scale up and down to keep it pointing at the correct location
Public propertyAutoHideIntervalInSeconds
Number of seconds to wait before hiding the tooltip automatically
Public propertyHideAnimationTriggerParameterName
The trigger's name that will play the HIDE animation on the Animator
Public propertyMaxDistanceTooltipInMetersForScale
Maximum total distance in meters. This should be larger than MaxDistanceTooltipInMetersForScale. At distance > MaxDistanceTooltipInMetersForScale and distance < MaxDistanceTotalInMetersForScale, the arrow is displayed At distance < MaxDistanceTooltipInMetersForScale the tooltip is displayed and the arrow hidden
Public propertyMaxDistanceTotalInMetersForScale
Maximum total distance in meters. This should be larger than MaxDistanceTooltipInMetersForScale. At distance > MaxDistanceTooltipInMetersForScale and distance < MaxDistanceTotalInMetersForScale, the arrow is displayed At distance < MaxDistanceTooltipInMetersForScale the tooltip is displayed and the arrow hidden
Public propertyMinDistanceInMetersForScale
Minimum distance in meters used to scale tooltip. Anything closer than this means the tooltip does not scale anymore and stays constant size.
Public propertyNoInteractionPeriodForShow
Number of seconds with no interactions to trigger the display of the tooltip
Public propertyNumberOfTimesToShow
Number of times to show the tooltip. Set to 0 (Default) which disables this feature
Public propertyShouldScaleWithDistance
Should this tooltip scale up the further away the player gets from it?
Public propertyShowArrowAnimationTriggerParameterName
The trigger's name that will play the SHOW arrow animation on the Animator
Public propertyShowHideAnimator
Animator to use when showing/hiding the tooltip
Public propertyShowTooltipAnimationTriggerParameterName
The trigger's name that will play the SHOW tooltip animation on the Animator
Public propertySizeScalarAtMaxDistance
The amount to scale the size by at maximum distance. The tooltip's size is an interpolation between this and the size at minimum distance.
Protected methodAwake
Unity Component method
(Overrides TooltipBaseAwake.)
Protected methodCalculateScale
Called once per frame to calculate the scale value. Use this method to determine visibility as well.
(Overrides TooltipBaseCalculateScale(Single).)
Protected methodOnDataUpdated
Recalculate variables and update scale and visibility
Protected methodOnDisable
Protected methodOnEnable
Protected methodResetVariables
Reset internal state variables, like how long we have been waiting for a timeout, etc
Protected methodSetVisibility
Protected methodStart
Unity Component method
(Overrides TooltipBaseStart.)
Protected methodUpdateTooltip
Update the tooltip by calculating distance from camera and scale etc
(Overrides TooltipBaseUpdateTooltip.)
Protected methodUpdateVisibility
Make the tooltip visible, or hide it
(Overrides TooltipBaseUpdateVisibility.)
Protected methodUpdateVisibility(Single)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetCopyOf
Copies all properties of a component from source to target. Uses reflection to set properties.
(Defined by ComponentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodWaitForT
Waits for a singleton on a coroutine
(Defined by SingletonManager.)
See Also