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TransformSync Properties

The TransformSync type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCreatedByInstantiateService
True if this transform sync was created using a network message instead of being present in the scene
Public propertyDefaultIsKinematic
Gets/Sets the defualt kinematic value. This is read form the Rigidbody in Awake, but can be overwritten later
Public propertyHasReceivedUpdateMessage
Returns true if the object's state has changed since instantiation
Public propertyInitialLocalPosition
The default position for this transform
Public propertyIsCurrentlyUpdating
True if this transform is currently being synchronised (sending/receiving state)
Public propertyIsInitialised
Returns True when this instance has been initialised
Public propertyIsSnapped
True if this transform is currently snapped
Public propertyLinkedEngagableObject
This should point to the EngagableObject that is using this TransformSync. Sometimes this component can be on the same object, and other times it can be nested further down the hierarchy.
Public propertyOnSnap
An event that is triggered when this TransformSync is snapped or unsnapped from a SnapTarget
Public propertyOwner
The current owner of this transform
Public propertyRigidbody
The attached RigidBody of this transform
Public propertySnapping
Snapping properties for the TransformSync
Public propertyUpdateInterval
The interval in which messages are sent
Public propertyUpdateSmoothing
The smoothing value for local interpolation of Transform/Rigidbody values
Public propertyUpdateState
Current update state of this transform
Public propertyUseCombinedColliders
Combine all the enabled child colliders onto this rigidbody to prevent physics issues
See Also