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ImmerseSDK.Controllers Namespace

Controller functionality
Public classAttachPoint
AttachPoint for the controller
Public classController
Encapsulates controller functionality. This is an abstract class with two concrete implementations: Local and Remote.
Public classControllerColoring
Encapsulates controller coloring
Public classControllerColoringColorSettings
Encapsulates color settings
Public classControllerLocal
Represents the local controller
Public classControllerPhysics
Controls the colliders on an object and its children. When this component is enabled, it will enable all the colliders, and if it is disabled, it will disable them all
Public classControllerRemote
Represents the remote controller
Public classControllerSet
A set of controllers (left and right)
Public classControllerSetT
Represents a set of controllers (left and right hands)
Public classControllerSettings
Configuration file to set Controller related options
Public classControllerWatch
Logic for the button on the watch
Public classHandMenuSettings
Configures the functionality and look-and-feel of the Hand Menu
Public classInputModule
The base class for all concrete types that handle VR controller input mapping
Public classInteractionTarget
Target of an interaction
Public classNullInputModule
Null input module
Public classRealControllerModel
Real Controller Model
Public classRealControllerModels
Real Controller Model
Public classScriptedInputModule
Scripted input module
Private classUnityUiInputModuleControllerEventData
Public interfaceIPointerMoveHandler
Our InputModule will call this when the cursor is updated