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ImmerseSDK.Config Namespace

Configuration functionality
Public classConfigComponent
The base class for all configuration components that implement IConfigProperty interfaces
Public classConfigFileUtilities
Public classConfigManager
Provides access to concrete implementation configuration details through a set of components and interfaces that extend ConfigComponent and IConfigProperty. This is done so that platform specific implementation can be defined outside of the SDK, loaded and runtime and even overriden by SDK users.
Public classNavigationSettings
Class to encapsulate all Navigation settings
Public classUnityXRConfig
A IConfigProperty that contains information about the current VR Platform's environment
Public interfaceIConfigProperty
The base interface for all overridable configuration in the Immerse SDK. To overide a concrete implementation of IConfigProperty, you chould create a class that derives from ConfigComponent and implement the interfaces that you would like to override, then attach that class to the App GameObject in the scene.
Public interfaceIInputModuleFactory
A IConfigProperty that manages the creation of InputModules that are suitable for the current VR Platform and hardware
Public interfaceIVREnvironmentSettings
A IConfigProperty that contains information about the current VR Platform's environment
Public enumerationNavigationSettingsType
Types of Navigation we support in the Immerse SDK