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SingletonBehaviour Methods

The SingletonBehaviour type exposes the following members.

Public methodAwake
Unity component method. This method cannot be overridden. To perform initialisation tasks, override CoroutineInitialise() To execute code in Awake(), override OnAwake() on this class
Public methodCoroutineInitialise
Override this to perform initialisation tasks This coroutine is started in Awake(). To execute code in Awake(), override OnAwake()
Protected methodOnAwake
Override this method to call code in the Awake() method (after singleton registration, but before coroutine)
Protected methodOnDestroy
Unity component method
Protected methodOnDisable
Unity component method.
Protected methodOnEnable
Unity component method.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetCopyOf
Copies all properties of a component from source to target. Uses reflection to set properties.
(Defined by ComponentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodWaitForT
Waits for a singleton on a coroutine
(Defined by SingletonManager.)
See Also