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POITooltipSpawn Fields

Private field_autoDetectTransformSyncPivot
If true, and no pivot is set, we will try to find the parent TransformSync (if one exists) and set that as the pivot
Private field_autoHideIntervalInSeconds
Number of seconds to wait before hiding the tooltip automatically. Set to 0 (Default) which disables this feature
Private field_maxDistanceInMeters
Maximum total distance in meters. This should be larger than _maxDistanceForTooltip. At distance > _maxDistanceForTooltip and distance < _maxDistanceForTooltip, the arrow is displayed At distance < _maxDistanceForTooltip the tooltip is displayed and the arrow hidden
Private field_maxDistanceInMetersForTooltip
Maximum distance in meters before showing the tooltip. This should be less than _maxDistanceInMeters. At distance > _maxDistanceForTooltip and distance < _maxDistanceForTooltip, the arrow is displayed At distance < _maxDistanceForTooltip the tooltip is displayed and the arrow hidden
Private field_noInteractionPeriodForShow
Number of seconds with no interactions to trigger the display of the tooltip. Set to 0 (Default) which disables this feature
Private field_numberOfTimesToShowTooltip
Number of times to show the tooltip. Set to 0 (Default) which disables this feature
Private field_pivot
Pivot to use for the tooltip. Set this to the TransformSync if the tooltip relates to a pickup. If none is supplied, the tooltip will not "float" above the tracjed object.
Private field_startEnabled
Should the tooltip start disabled (hidden)?
Private field_tint
Color to tint the images with
Private field_tooltipText
Text to display
Private field_verboseLoggingInEditor
EDITOR ONLY: do verbose logging for this object
See Also