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EngageableObjectTracking Fields

The EngageableObjectTracking type exposes the following members.

Private field_interactionPoint
An alternative point to use for interaction calculations
Private field_interactionRequirements
Requirements that has to be satisfied to allow interaction
Private field_isKinematicAfterEngage
Specifies how physics should behave after engagement ends
Private field_requiresTwoHands
Indicates whether this object needs to be engaged with by 2 controllers to move
Private field_requiresTwoHandsForUnsnapping
Indicates whether this object needs to be engaged with by 2 controllers to unsnap
Private field_targetTransform
The transform to target
Public fieldStatic memberMaxDistanceToTravelUsingForces
Caps the maximum distance to travel using forces (which gives smoother movement of held objects). If this distance is breached, the object will teleport instead. This value is also used for snapping.
See Also