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Avatar Class

Encapsulates all Avatar functionality. Is abstract and have two concrete implementations: Local and Remote.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  ImmerseSDK.Avatars
Assembly:  ImmerseSDK.App (in ImmerseSDK.App.dll) Version: (

The Avatar type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAvatar
Initializes a new instance of the Avatar class
Public propertyColor
This Avatar's color
Public propertyControllers
Controllers associated with this Avatar
Public propertyInitialised
True if this object has been initialized
Public propertyOwner
User that owns this Avatar
Public propertyPosition
Current position in world coordinates
Public propertyRenderer
Public propertyRoot
Root of this avatar (the play area's center)
Public propertyRotation
Current rotation in world coordinate system
Public propertyTrackedTransformCount
Number of tracked transforms that this Avatar is using
Public propertyTransforms
Important transforms for this Avatar
Public methodAreAnyControllersEngaged
Returns true if any of the controllers are currently engaging with an object
Protected methodAttachControllers
Public methodStatic memberFind(UserID) Obsolete.
Returns the user avatar for the given user id
Public methodStatic memberFindT(UserID) Obsolete.
Returns the user avatar for the given user id, cast to the given type or interface
Public methodStatic memberFindLocal Obsolete.
Returns the local user avatar
Public methodStatic memberFindLocalT Obsolete.
Returns the local user avatar cast to the given type or interface
Public methodGetBounds
Returns the bounds volume that represents this avatar's location in space
Public methodGetController
Gets a reference to the controller object for the specified hand
Protected methodGetControllerSerialisation
Gets the controller serialisation implementation
Protected methodHandleOwnerStateChanged
Public methodIsLocal
Returns true if the avatar is a local one
Protected methodOnDestroy
Unity component method
Protected methodOnTrackedTransformToggled
Public methodSelectAvatarCameraTarget
Enable the avatar camera target
Protected methodSetLayers
Sets the layer of all game objects attached to this avatar
Public methodSetLocation(Spawn)
Sets this avatar's location based on the specified Spawn point
Public methodSetLocation(Vector3, NullableQuaternion, Boolean)
Moves the avatar's to the specified position and rotation in worldspace. If correctForPlaySpace is TRUE, then the Avatar's head will appear at the location specified. If correctForPlaySpace is FALSE, then the play space's center will appear at the location specified
Protected methodShowTeleportTrail
Protected methodToggleHeadVisibility
Toggle visibility of the head mesh
Protected methodUpdateRendererVisibility
Updates the visibility of the avatar renderer component associated with the given ToggleNotifier
Public eventStatic memberOnAvatarDestroyed Obsolete.
Fired when an Avatar is destroyed
Public eventStatic memberOnAvatarInstantiated Obsolete.
Fired when an Avatar is instantiated
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetCopyOf
Copies all properties of a component from source to target. Uses reflection to set properties.
(Defined by ComponentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodWaitForT
Waits for a singleton on a coroutine
(Defined by SingletonManager.)
See Also