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User Methods

The User type exposes the following members.

Public methodEquals
Compares against object using Id
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Public methodStatic memberFind
Gets a reference to the user object for the given id
Public methodStatic memberFindLocal
Gets a reference to the local user object
Public methodGetHashCode
HashCode generated from the User ID only
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)
Public methodHasAllPrivilages
Checks if this user has all of the given privilages
Public methodHasAnyPrivilages
Checks if this user has any of the given privilages
Public methodHasPrivilage
Checks if this user has the given privilage
Public methodHasSpaceOwnerPrivilages Obsolete.
Returns true if the user is the owner of the current space, or has been granted facilitator privilages for that space
Public methodIsLocal
True if this user is local
Public methodToString
Helps in debugging and console output. PRints the current user's name, whether they are online, and if they are local or remote.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetGroup
Returns the user's current group
(Defined by UserExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodHasConnectionType
Returns true if the user has the specified connection type
(Defined by UserExtensions.)
See Also