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AddForceOnDisengagedReaction Fields

Private field_additionalVelocityMultiplier
How much of the actual velocity is added as additional velocity
Private field_angleToApplyVelocity
Angle to use for projecting forward and up
Private field_flickForwardAngledMagnitude
How much of the actual velocity is added as additional velocity
Private field_flickForwardMagnitude
How much of the actual velocity is added as additional velocity
Private field_flickUpMagnitude
How much of the actual velocity magnitude is added as a flick velocity
Private field_numberOfFramesForAverageVelocity
The number of frames (up to max 30) to use for calculating the average velocity
Private field_useAverageVelocity
use average velocity as the force amount?
Private field_velocityMultiplier
The actual velocity is scaled by this much before being added
See Also