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UnityXRRiftInputModule Class

Input module for Oculus Rift Unity Native VR Integration (which uses openvr)
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  ImmerseSDK.Platforms.UnityXR
Assembly:  ImmerseSDK.NotInDll (in ImmerseSDK.NotInDll.dll) Version: (
public class UnityXRRiftInputModule : UnityXRGenericInputModule

The UnityXRRiftInputModule type exposes the following members.

Public methodUnityXRRiftInputModule
Initializes a new instance of the UnityXRRiftInputModule class
Public methodCustomHandStateToggle
When true the following will happen: - If in the default (or other exitable) hand state, then the first available custom hand state will be shown. - If already in a custom hand state, then the next available custom hand state will be shown. - If no further custom hand states are available, then the previous built in state will be returned to.
(Overrides UnityXRGenericInputModuleCustomHandStateToggle.)
Public methodHandReleaseToolPickup
Indicates whether input on this controller has caused a grabbing state for ToolPickup classes to be exited on the associated hand
(Overrides UnityXRGenericInputModuleHandReleaseToolPickup.)
Public methodResetState
Resets the internal state of this input module. This is called by the SDK whenever the hand enters the default state.
(Overrides InputModuleResetState.)
Public methodTeleportCancel
Indicates whether controller input has caused the teleport seek state to be cancelled
(Overrides UnityXRGenericInputModuleTeleportCancel.)
Public methodTeleportChoose
Indicates whether controller input has caused a teleport target to be chosen
(Overrides UnityXRGenericInputModuleTeleportChoose.)
Public methodTeleportSeek
Indicates whether controller input has caused the teleport seek state to be entered
(Overrides UnityXRGenericInputModuleTeleportSeek.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetCopyOf
Copies all properties of a component from source to target. Uses reflection to set properties.
(Defined by ComponentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodWaitForT
Waits for a singleton on a coroutine
(Defined by SingletonManager.)
See Also