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AudioTagsService Class

The AudioTagsService provides a way to set assign audio tags to the local user. It also includes a number of helper methods for checking if users can communicate with each other.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  ImmerseSDK.Audio
Assembly:  ImmerseSDK.App (in ImmerseSDK.App.dll) Version: (
public class AudioTagsService : SingletonBehaviour

The AudioTagsService type exposes the following members.

Public methodAudioTagsService
Initializes a new instance of the AudioTagsService class
Public methodCanCommunicateOneWay
Determines whether one user (the speaker) can be heard by another user (the listener). This is done by checking if any tag on the speakers speaking channel matches any tag on the listeners listening channel.
Public methodCanCommunicateTwoWay
Determines whether two users can both hear each other. This is done by checking if both users have at a tag in their listening channel that matches a tag in the other users speaking channel.
Public methodCoroutineInitialise
Override this to perform initialisation tasks This coroutine is started in Awake(). To execute code in Awake(), override OnAwake()
(Overrides SingletonBehaviourCoroutineInitialise.)
Protected methodOnAwake
Override this method to call code in the Awake() method (after singleton registration, but before coroutine)
(Overrides SingletonBehaviourOnAwake.)
Public methodUpdateAudioTags(AudioTagsChannelSettings)
Updates the audio tags assigned to the local user using the provided settings object.
Public methodUpdateAudioTags(AudioTagDefinition, AudioTagMode, AudioTagChannel)
Updates the audio tags assigned to the local user using the provided settings.
Public methodUpdateAudioTags(AudioTagDefinition, AudioTagMode, AudioTagChannel)
Updates the audio tags assigned to the local user using the provided settings.
Public methodUpdateAudioTags(AudioTagDefinition, AudioTagMode, AudioTagChannel)
Updates the audio tags assigned to the local user using the provided settings.
Public methodUpdateAudioTags(AudioTagDefinition, AudioTagMode, AudioTagChannel)
Updates the audio tags assigned to the local user using the provided settings.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetCopyOf
Copies all properties of a component from source to target. Uses reflection to set properties.
(Defined by ComponentExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodWaitForT
Waits for a singleton on a coroutine
(Defined by SingletonManager.)
See Also