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MessageDisplayDialogData Class

Encapsulates the data for displaying a message to the user. Messages are sorted on priority, and only the highest priority message is displayed at a time. Messages can have an optional specified duration.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  ImmerseSDK.UI.MessageDisplay
Assembly:  ImmerseSDK.App (in ImmerseSDK.App.dll) Version: (
public class MessageDisplayDialogData

The MessageDisplayDialogData type exposes the following members.

Private methodStatic memberMessageDisplayDialogData
Protected methodMessageDisplayDialogData
Creates a new instance
Public propertyAllowInput
Allows the hand to go into the laset mode and provide a way to press buttons in VR.
Public propertyCurrentProgress
The current progress that will be displayed on a progress bar (if the layout supports it)
Public propertyDurationInSeconds
Message duration in seconds. Specify 0 for displaying the message indefinitely
Public propertyHasExpired
Returns true if this notification has a duration and the time since it's show time is up
Public propertyLayout
Specifies this message's layout
Public propertyMainImage
Main Image to display on the dialog (in the first column if there is one). The dialog's layout will be change appropriately. Set either MainImage or MainSprite. Only one will be used.
Public propertyMainSprite
Sprite to display on the dialog in the first (or only) column. The dialog's layout will be change appropriately. Set either MainImage or MainSprite. Only one will be used.
Public propertyMainSpriteText
Optional Sprite text to display on the dialog. The dialog's layout will be change appropriately.
Public propertyMainText
Text to display in the first (or only) column.
Public propertyOnCancelButtonClick
If specified, the Cancel button will be displayed, and this handler will be called when it is pressed. If this handler is not specified, the Cancel button is hidden.
Public propertyOnClose
If specified, this handler will be called when the dialog is closed.
Public propertyOnOkButtonClick
If specified, the Ok button will be displayed, and this handler will be called when it is pressed. If this handler is not specified, the Ok button is hidden.
Public propertyPriority
Message priority. Messages are sorted on priority, and only the highest priority message is displayed.
Public propertyProgressColor
The color for the progress bar (if the layout supports it)
Public propertySecondaryImage
Secondary Image to display on the dialog in the second column. The dialog's layout will be change appropriately. Set either SecondaryImage or SecondarySprite. Only one will be used.
Public propertySecondarySprite
Sprite to display on the dialog in the second column. The dialog's layout will be change appropriately.
Public propertySecondarySpriteText
Optional Sprite text to display on the dialog. The dialog's layout will be change appropriately.
Public propertySecondaryText
Text to display in the second column
Public propertyShouldTrackCamera
Set this to true if you want the dialog to stay in front of the user's view and track their head camera
Public propertyShowDuration
Returns the number of seconds this dialog has been displayed for
Public propertyShowOnlyInVr
Only display this dialog in VR
Public propertyTimeLeft
How much time is left to show this dialog
Public propertyTitle
Dialog title text
Public methodStatic memberCreateControllerMessageDialog
Creates a new instance with a layout that has a picture of the controller currently used, and text for each button describing it's functions. To change the text that is displayed for each of the buttons, you can override the following NamedText key entries. Note: If you override the key AND set the text to empty, it will hide the button from the dialog DIALOG_CONTROLLER_TRACKPAD_TOP_PRESSED For Oculus this is when the Thumbstick is pulled upwards and pressed down DIALOG_CONTROLLER_TRACKPAD_BTM_PRESSED For Oculus this is when the Thumbstick is pulled downwards and pressed down DIALOG_CONTROLLER_MENU_BTN_PRESSED For Oculus this is either the X or the A button on either controller DIALOG_CONTROLLER_SYSTEM_BTN_PRESSED For Oculus this is either the Y or the B button on either controller DIALOG_CONTROLLER_TRIGGER_PULLED For Oculus this is the index finger trigger DIALOG_CONTROLLER_GRIP_BTN_PRESSED For Oculus this is the hand trigger
Public methodStatic memberCreateMessageDialog(Notification)
Creates a new instance with a notification message layout with no buttons
Public methodStatic memberCreateMessageDialog(String, String, Sprite, Single, Int32, Action, Action)
Creates a new instance with a layout that includes a single column of text and an optional image
Public methodStatic memberCreateMessageDialog(String, String, Texture, Single, Int32, Action, Action)
Creates a new instance with a layout that includes a single column of text and an optional image
Public methodStatic memberCreateMessageDialog(String, String, Sprite, String, Single, Int32, Action, Action)
Creates a new instance with a layout that includes a single column of text and an optional image
Public methodStatic memberCreateMessageDialog(String, String, Texture, String, Single, Int32, Action, Action)
Creates a new instance with a layout that includes a single column of text and an optional image
Public methodStatic memberCreateMessageDialog(String, String, String, Sprite, Sprite, Single, Int32, Action, Action)
Creates a new instance with a layout that includes a double column of text and an optional image for each column
Public methodStatic memberCreateMessageDialog(String, String, String, Texture, Texture, Single, Int32, Action, Action)
Creates a new instance with a layout that includes a single column of text and an optional image
Public methodStatic memberCreateMessageDialog(String, String, String, Sprite, Sprite, String, String, Single, Int32, Action, Action)
Creates a new instance with a layout that includes a double column of text and an optional image for each column
Public methodStatic memberCreateMessageDialog(String, String, String, Texture, Texture, String, String, Single, Int32, Action, Action)
Creates a new instance with a layout that includes a single column of text and an optional image
Public methodStatic memberCreateProgressMessageDialog(String, Single)
Creates a new instance with a layout that has a progress bar and some text
Public methodStatic memberCreateProgressMessageDialog(String, Single, Int32)
Creates a new instance with a layout that has a progress bar and some text
Public methodStatic memberCreateProgressMessageDialog(String, Color, Single)
Creates a new instance with a layout that has a progress bar and some text
Public methodStatic memberCreateProgressMessageDialog(String, Color, Single, Int32)
Creates a new instance with a layout that has a progress bar and some text
Public methodPauseTimer
Pause or unpause the timer
Public methodTryToLocalise
Attempt to localise all the text fields
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultPriority
Default priority assigned to dialogs
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultProgressColor
Default progress color for the progress bar
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultSystemPriority
Default Priority assigned to system messages
See Also