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Math Methods

The Math type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetSignedAngleXZ
Gets a singned angle on the XZ plane
Public methodStatic memberRotatePointAroundPivot(Vector3, Vector3, Quaternion)
Rotate a point around a pivot
Public methodStatic memberRotatePointAroundPivot(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
Rotate a point around a pivot
Public methodStatic memberSignedAngleBetween
a and b are the vectors for which you want to calculate an angle, n would be the normal of your plane to determine what you would call "clockwise/counterclockwise" If you imagine the from and to vectors as lines on a piece of paper, both originating from the same point, then the axis vector would point up out of the paper.The measured angle between the two vectors would be positive in a clockwise direction and negative in an anti-clockwise direction.
See Also