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Snapping Fields

The Snapping type exposes the following members.

Private field_allowPhysicsWhenSnappedToOrigin
Set this to true to allow physics after snapping to origin
Private field_alwaysSnap
Ignore tolerance and always snap to the closest SnapTarget?
Private field_defaultSnapTarget
If no SnapTarget is found, this value will be used (255 = no default snap target)
Private field_previewSnap
Toggle snapping preview
Private field_snapToOrigin
Set this to true if you want an object to start in a snapped state. This will create a SnapTarget at it's location
Private field_targets
List of SnapTargets available. If you allow SnapToOrigin, then the origin will be automatically added at runtime to this list (at the end)
Private field_unsnapRequirements
A set of requirements to check before unsnap is allowed
Public fieldStatic memberRotationAxisAll
Cached object to not mask anything
Public fieldStatic memberRotationAxisX
Cached object to mask for a X axis rotation only (thus including only X rotation)
Public fieldStatic memberRotationAxisY
Cached object to mask for a y axis rotation only (thus including only Y rotation)
Public fieldStatic memberRotationAxisZ
Cached object to mask for a Z axis rotation only (thus including only Z rotation)
Public fieldStatic memberUnassignedSnapTarget
Constant value to indicate Unassigned state
See Also